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Vox can help with all aspects of MT and CSAMT analysis, as well as integration and interpretation of multiple geological and geophysical datasets

Data QA/QC and processing

– What station spacing do you need to image your target?
– Should your survey be in a profile or a grid?
– What acquisition specs should your contractor be using?
– Is your target even going to be visible with MT?

Before you start collecting data, Vox can help you optimise your survey parameters to give you the best chance for success. By forward modelling your target, we can determine the best station spacings and locations, the required data frequency range, and give you an expectation of how the data will need to be analysed and modelled in a 2D or 3D scheme).

1D, 2D and 3D inversions

For reliable results, MT data must be inverted with the right inversion scheme.
When looking at a flat-lying sedimentary basin, fantastic detail can be gained from a probabilistic 1D inversion. On the other hand, when looking at a complex subsurface with conductors running in varying directions, only a 3D inversion will produce an accurate model. One great benefit of MT is that the data themselves can tell us the electrical dimensionality of the subsurface and the direction of current flow. Vox can:

Mineral systems analysis